Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Pane E Focaccia... Bread And Focaccia

 I've really been enjoying baking bread... all shapes and sizes. Some we eat... some we give away.


  1. I should never visit here on an empty stomach. OH MY! Mouth watering deliciousness....

  2. Oh my, those all look delish!... I have tried many times to bake bread and mine just never seem to turn out... good bread is my weakness (one of them!)... love a big slice with some cheese and a glass of wine... xoxo Julie Marie

  3. know the movie "Sandlot"?
    "You're killing me, Smalls!"....LOL
    Absolutely Amazing, Mary!
    You need to write a book!

  4. Mary!

    You made me drool on my computer!

    Gosh I wish we lived closer, I would love to learn how to bake bread properly, mine never ever turns out.

    Your pictures are GORGEOUS! I love how you styled and wrapped your breads!

  5. Anch'io faccio il pane in casa. Sembra cotto nel forno a legna. Bravissima

  6. Oh how delicious this looks Mary. Now I have a craving to bake bread my friend. I love how you have wrapped it so perfectly.
    many hugs...

  7. Lovely blog! I'm inviting you to take part in Romwe International Giveaway!

  8. Mary, your bread is always a delight to see. I can't eat bread right now, but I think I could live on bread. My sister used to make homemade bread, and when it came out of the oven, she would give me a slice of warm bread and butter.



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