Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Crostata Di Pesca... Rustic Peach Tart...

For me,  it starts to feel like summer when peaches appear in the markets,  and are sweet and juicy.  Peaches and Cream... a classic combination,  made into a Rustic Tart,  and topped with a little Cinnamon/Sugar  and Thyme ....


  1. Mmmmmm... I can almost taste those juicy peaches!... I love peach season... it's not here until late Summer, almost Autumn, but something I so look forward to... we are still eating my peach jam I made last Fall... xoxo Julie Marie

  2. OH, YUM!! I absolutely, positively LOVE peaches.

    I grew up on an island that about a hundred years ago was almost all peach trees.

    Now it has SOME peach trees but mostly golf courses and marinas and lovely homes.

    I no longer live there but some family does.

    I am so in the mood for a peach now!

  3. ma che bontà, buonissima! bellissime anche le foto...ciao simona

  4. Oh I love peaches, Mary. Your peach tart looks amazing. I know what you mean, as soon as I see peaches at the market, I know that summer has arrived.


  5. Già le pesche??? Che bontà!!!Complimenti per le belle foto!
    Ciao Lieta

  6. Che delizia !!! L'assagerei con piacere!

  7. Ohh questa crostata di pesche ha un aspetto così invitante ed hai ragione fa subito pensare all'estate!!!!!
    Grazie per essere passata a trovarmi, mi fa piacere di averti regalato qualche scatto della tua terra. Conosco Mola di Bari non è molto lontana da me, io vivo a Trani, la conosci?
    Un grande abbraccio
    Buon fine settimana.

  8. What a tastyful blog you have here! Your rustic pie looks so good. Mmm... With cinamon/sugar and thyme; that's a new one for me. But I'm all for trying. I also fell in love with some soups and certain types of bread. I have to try more. Thanks for sharing.

  9. le pesche sono definitivamente un invitante dolce estivo. Sembra buonissima


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