Monday, February 15, 2016

Giardino Di Sera… Evening Garden…

Spending time in the garden is just such a pleasure.  I love the morning sun,  and the late afternoon sun… but that early evening time is so special too.  When the sun goes down ,  and it's not quite dark,  and the sky is still blue and the trees look almost black against that blue sky… Amazing!


  1. As I look out my window and see miles of snowy earth, this is just the breath of fresh garden air I needed today, thank you, dear Mary! ♥

  2. Your garden makes me smile, Mary. The rain has made everything grow beautifully. It looks like your table held up against the rain and is still sturdy. I love the girl statue holding the grapes with the twinkling lights.

    These are lovely pictures today, Mary.


  3. troppo bello, stupendo!
    bacioni simona:)

  4. Your garden is so lovely! My husband loves to sit out at this very time of day and watch the day end. Beautiful!

  5. Mary, how your garden is "blushed pink" like that perfect sunset!

  6. Entrare nel tuo giardino è come entrare in una favola...dai fiori, alle luci fino all'arredo: è tutto perfetto!!

  7. Mary, your garden is gorgeous! I love that long dining table and crystal chandy. Such a lovely place to relax, entertain and take in the sunset.


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