Tuesday, August 2, 2016

A Casa... At Home...

It's nice to be (almost) completely settled here in our new little place.  Less house work is a welcome change,  and the smaller space is proving to be a good thing.  Gardening is at a complete minimum in this smaller space,  but as my newly planted herbs grow I know that there is promise of garden work in the near future.   Having brought (only) three of my favorite English Roses with me is a huge downsize and I do miss some of my other beauties that I left behind... but,  they are thriving here in their containers and are blooming and happy.  The Apple Espaliers are VERY happy and thriving,  which makes me very happy! Anna will be sharing her  garden space with me so that I can continue to grow some favorite vegetables with her,  and hopefully do a better job of it than before.   Having decided to bring favorite furniture and accessories from the house as  was a very good thing to do... familiar... Loving the new,  mainly white color palette ...


  1. I'm glad you were able to bring your English Roses along with you, Mary. They are just too pretty to leave behind. A lovely table setting with the outside lights. I'm happy to hear that you are settling in your new home and lovin' it. Yes, a smaller space is much easier to take care of.....but you can decorate just the same. :)


  2. Hello Mary, your new place is lovely. Those English roses are beautiful. I do love you have your crystal chandy too. Your table is enchanting and you always provide the most delicious food.. The night view is magical.

  3. Anche se in misura più contenuta, il tuo giardino-terrazzo continua a farci sognare!! Bellissima come sempre la tua tavola.. simpatica anche l'idea del giardino condiviso! Giorno dopo giorno sentirai questa casa sempre più tua... buon agosto!

  4. Cara Mary, vedo che anche da te tante cose sono cambiate ...ma quel senso di intimità e gioia familiare che si respira nel tuo blog è rimasto! Capisco molto bene cosa significa lasciare una casa e con essa anche oggetti e ricordi, ma hai fatto un'ottima scelta e nella nuova c'è già il tuo tocco, la tua grazia ...sei grande! Ti abbraccio con affetto❤️

  5. Cara Mary, nei tuoi post ci si sente sempre a casa. Come sempre bellissime foto, bellissimo ambiente, delizie sulla tavola... Tutto bello e con la tua positività anche un ambiente magari più piccolo diventa grandissimo! Un abbraccio, Mariuccia


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