Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Dolce Estate… Sweet Summer…

It seems like June just started,  yet, it's well on it's way… My birthday, along with wonderful celebrations by friends and family  came and went…as did Father's Day.  Time for savoring long days,  beach picnics, and gatherings with loved ones.


  1. Oh Mary, you really should own a bakery of your own. There is so much yummy food on here today. I hope you had a fantastic birthday. It's getting warmer here every day, and feels too warm for June. That yellow bird plate is so cute, and the dried roses are pretty. Oh, and that bread!

    Enjoy the June days, Mary. They are almost over!

    love, ~Sheri

  2. My son and his girlfriend were in San Diego last week. They went to a Padres game. They spent one day in Disneyland and on to Simi Valley for a college roommate's wedding. The weather was beautiful!

    Summer with you has a sweet, smokey and fruity flavor...like a very fine wine!

  3. Innanzi tutto tantissimi auguri di buon compleanno e poi tanti, tanti complimenti per le meravigliose immagini dei sapori e dei profumi dell'estate!!

  4. Happy Birthday, Mary. Did your lovely friends plan an enchanting lunch? I have been behind in blog reading. I must catch up. Your baking skills rival those of Martha Stewart and any other celebrity baker. So beautiful.


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