Monday, February 10, 2014

Fiori Per Una Cena… Flowers For A Dinner…

Yuri asked me if I would cater a party for ten .The dinner was bid on at auction, a fund raiser for her church, and was  held at Yuri's house.  It was a five course Italian Meal, plus wine and a special cocktail. Yuri set the table and I made the Flower Arrangements. Gorgeous Pink Roses,  Wax flower and Artichokes,  arranged in my garden planters , gave the table  a very Italian feel.  The dinner was very successful,  and apparently ,  everyone was raving about it at church on sunday and asking about another dinner next year.


  1. Molto particolare. Ti seguo spesso perché mi piace immaginare la tua storia che ti ha portato così lontano dalla tua terra d'origine infondendo italianità a piene mani dall'altra parte del globo.

  2. Oh so beautiful and romantic! You sure know how to do it right! ♥

  3. Una meraviglia!!! Bellissima la tavola apparecchiata in questo modo! Bacioni simona


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