Sometimes I feel like such an impatient gardener.... these cute little heirloom carrots could have been in the ground a bit ( or a lot ) longer, but I really want to give my pumpkin patch plenty of room to grow, and these little guys were in the way.
I decided to cook them even though they were so tiny, I just tossed them with a little Olive Oil, salt, pepper and some fresh oregano, and roasted them for a few minutes. They were really sweet and delicious.
Hydrangea is one of my favorite plants and I have lots of them. I love the different shapes of the flowers and the way the a single plant can have different color flowers on it... I guess my soil isn't very acidic and i'm not too faithful in adding acid fertilizer so I really end up with mostly pinks which are pretty but I really want them to be blue. When I visited Priscilla at school in Seattle. I was amazed at the stunning shades of blue that the all the Hydrangeas were.
"La Donnina del Giardino" My "Little Lady of the Garden" happily watches over a mini garden making sure the little gnomes don't get into any trouble. You know how those gnomes are...
Needed to harvest some Basil before it got too big so I made Pesto, which is great to have around for a quick dinner. Like Tortellini with pesto.