Friday, December 14, 2018

Feste...Holiday Time...

It seems hard to believe that it is that time of year again.  I have been very absent from my blog for quite some time.  The loss of a Mother changes the way everything feels.  This holiday season just feels different, and if I am to be completely honest, a little sad.  But... Christmas is upon us! Time for traditions, and that always includes special meals and get togethers... not to mention SWEETS! The traditions must carry on,  for all of us,  but especially for our children.  Traditions create memories... and what do we have if we have no memories...

1 comment:

  1. Mary, it's nice to see a post from you again. So sorry you're feeling a bit sad. Your mother will be there in your heart at Christmas. This food makes my mouth water. I love how you spiked the cream for that scrumptious dessert. It's always delightful to see your snowmen, the Christmas village, and your frosted Christmas tree. Your table setting is festive and lovely. I smiled when I saw the pretty red rose on your Header.

    Wishing you the merriest Christmas, Mary, and I know how much you are missing your mom right now. I always ache for my mom this time of year.

    love, ~Sheri


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