Monday, May 8, 2017

Fai Da Te Per Primavera... A Springtime DIY...

When one of our unusual winter storms blew trees down, Mark and Tami found themselves with lots of firewood as well as plenty of trees to slice up into chargers.  When they asked if I wanted some I of course said "yessss"!  I didn't have a plan,  but,  out of nowhere I decided that these chargers needed to be embellished... and so I did!  I had all of the flowers in the potted garden and just started playing... the result made me very happy.  Glueing  with modge podge then using shellack to seal the flowers gave me the look that I was looking for.  In the end,  the flowers are more muted than they were when I started,  but I like it just the same...  I've made four but plan to make more.


  1. Bellissimi!! Una splendida idea... la tua tavola è ancora più speciale!

  2. These are so creative, Mary. They go nice with your flowered plates. What a fun and crafty project. : )

    A happy week to you,


  3. Oh my goodness, how pretty Mary. Perfect project and so beautiful. Happy Mother's Day.

  4. What a great idea! Beautiful!!


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